30 October 2008


Hey People

Just a few photos of Charly getting ready for Halloween. We had to make a pumpkin with a really nasty face. He looks great. Still have to take a pikkie at night of the pumpkin though OK.

It's Autumn Kindergarten holidays at the moment so 5 days off for madam. We had a session with the "Kugelbahn" (marble track) yesterday as well.

Today there was a Halloween party at the Music School and Charly got all dressed up in her witches outfit complete with make-up for the event. She insisted on a black tooth as well. Looking scary and cute ! Tomorrow (31st) she is heading off at night with Laura, Claudia, Hannah and Lisa to trapse around the neighbourhood and generally annoy the Austrians. Should be good fun for all of them. I am not allowed to go with her as she is a big girl now and Claudia is 13 so that's OK.

The red dots are "witches warts" and she has a spider web complete with spider on her cheek.

These ones are from actual Halloween as the girls were finally ready - we had to do another pumpkin all together as well.

Great quote today: "The old people die at the end of July OK Mama and the babies are born on the 20th of July - I know, really I do" - interesting huh !

Bye for now. Lara xxxooo

23 October 2008

The Beer Drinkers Prayer

Hey People

Had to post this. Written by Sean Balmer from LiftOp Productions. He worked in Kitz and is an Aussie. Makes fantastic videos - check them out on You Tube - really good.

"A is for Absolutely peaking Our beer, Which art in bottles, Hallowed by thy sport. Thy will be drunk, I will be drunk, At home as it is in the pub. Give us each day our daily schooners, And forgive us our spillage, As we forgive those who spillest against us. And lead us not into the practice of poofy wine tasting. And deliver us from Tequila, For mine is the bitter, The chicks and the footy, Forever and ever, Barmen."

Good huh !

Lara xxxooo

19 October 2008


Hey People

Spent the day at the Steinplatte which is in Waidring near Kitzbuehel. They have made a new Triassic Park at 1900m or so where millions of years ago this was an ocean and the Steinplatte mountain was actually a coral reef. There are heaps of fossils and stuff and it was great fun for Charly. Check out the link:


Had lunch at a nice mountain restaurant but had to walk 20mins down to it and the walk up again was interesting to say the least. Mike carried Charly most of the way as she can run around a park for 3 hours non-stop but when it comes to a mountain she reckons her legs fall asleep - only around Papa though ... funny that !!

Check out the pikkies Heidi and Eddie - she has her new white jumper on and her new pink spotty sleeveless vest you sent to her. She loves it.

Charly managed to slip and get one foot in the water later on - typical ! Rushes around and dosen't look where she is going - learn the hard way I say ...

Looking for Rex ...

Loves her new jacket with the lovely dots - hit the hammer on the nail there guys !!

Mmmm .. healthy huh ! Grilled sausage and chips with a hearty portion of mayonnaise and ketchup - oh well ! She burned it off walking that little bit up the mountain back to the gondola.

Charly took the photo of the flower boxes and it's a pretty good one huh !

Me behind the camera and the only photo of me this weekend - as usual ...

That's all for now people. Hope all is well.

Love Lara, Mike & Charly xxxooo

PS. We didn't video chat Mum and Dad cause we headed off straight away in the morning - sorry - next weekend for sure OK !!!

18 October 2008

Sunday ...

Hey People

Just a few pictures of a great salmon trout lunch we had the other sunday. We got it from a guy who has a mountain hut and a trout pond - fresh spring water and perfect conditions for perfect fish. Mike grilled it on the BBQ and it was just fantastic. It was so big that 5 adults didn't finish it ...

Charly had stayed the night at Opa & Ada's house and had some new stick on earrings to show off ...

Also some of the garden ready for the winter and Peter's grapes which are fantastic. He restored the Chamois recently as well.

Afterwards we went for a walk on the Hahnenkamm for some more fresh air and to make the most of the fantastic autumn weather. We met up with Gregor and Dani and the girls had some fun together.

Charly posing at home with her curlz ...

That's all for now - Love Lara, Mike & Charly xxxooo

9 October 2008

Carpenters Octoberfest & Shoe Cupboard

Hey People

Oooh exciting - kinda - a couple of photos from the Zimmerer Oktoberfest (Carpenters Octoberfest) just to look at. It was organised by the Boss (Hans) but Peter, Sepp and Mike cooked and organised everything for them. We were naturally invited and as Charly was getting hungry she asked .. "does it hurt the pig", Mike replied "he can't feel anything anmore", in reply to that Charly said "good, I want pig, I'm hungry!". Classic huh !

Potatoes, potatoes and more potatoes ...

Don't burn my ears ...

Austrian ingenuity to heat up the coals - chainsaw type engine with a big pipe taped on ...

Traditional austrian cow barn shoes - most of the carpenters are farmers and in winter they do farm stuff ... this guy wears his all the time though ...

Ewwww ...

Charly and her boyz ...

Josef also finished the shoe cupboard finally. It's only taken a year but at least it's in before winter. Looks great and stops the shoes piling up as you step in the door. It has rollo doors that go to the side so I don't have to bend right down each time I open it up - getting old you see - the back ...

Also a photo of my cool birthday cake that Pia made for me. Forgot to show you this Mum and Dad. She was nice to me and only put 3 candes on it.

That's all for now. Take care xxxooo

2 October 2008

Horse Riding Lessons

Hey People

A couple of photos from Charly and Nepomuk having a horse riding lesson. It's just fun for them at the moment and they are just getting the feel of it all. Charly sits up there and when the teacher says to do something which she dosen't like you get the "naaaa, I'm not doing that" with very vigorous shaking of the head - hilarious to watch.

If you look closely Heidi and Eddie - she has the outfit on that you sent her. The full-on cerise pink one. She loves it. I will get some more closer photos soon.

Lara xxxooo