18 July 2007

Heatwave and Demolition City !!

Ok just 3 days after I posted the last mail regarding the snow, the heatwave arrived and is still here. We had snow on the 11th and on the 14th it was 36 degrees ! Wow ! It's been like that since then and Charly and I have spent every day at the outdoor pool in a nearby village escaping the heat and even experiencing goosebumps - a miracle when it's so hot.

Also the building site is in full swing. Our original plan was to do up the bathroom in the new/old place and then a few touch ups here and there and then move in - well it's all gone custard and we have changed tack completely. We are now ripping out all the walls and false ceilings in the top storey of the house and are going to make it into one big room which will eventually become the lounge, kitchen and dining area (approx. 70 sqm). In time we will change the downstairs area into two large bedrooms, bathroom and laundry. For the moment the top storey will be our bedroom and downstairs has the lounge, kitchen and Charly's room. Here are some before and afters of the top storey. This was my painting room before:

And this is what the area looks like now:

What used to be the walk in wardrobe with a spiral staircase:

is now this:

So you can see it's all fun and games at the moment.

Hope all of you are well and happy and are enjoying checking in on the site every now and then. Love us 3 xxxooo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have just checked in - demolition city alright - "Oh my God" were the words I used but we know it will be fine in the end. What a heatwave - hopefully it will be cooler by the time we arrive. Love M&D