7 October 2010

Mystery Weekend to Venice

Hey People

Finally gotten around to putting the photos on from Venice - here they are:

The water taxi to the Hotel - Charly had a ball !

Our apartment in Venice !

Gondola Taxi across the canal - much more authentic and way cheaper than a gondola tour - €120 against 50cents !

Mum and Maxine at the Rialto Bridge.

St. Marks Square had water all over the place !

Great big cruise ships going past the apartment window and we were on the 5th floor !

This whole top floor including the round window was our apartment.

Our apartment building next to the Hilton Hotel in Venice. Not bad eh !

We all had a fantastic weekend and the weather was perfect as well as you can see.

Love me xxx


Anonymous said...

Was that a mystery trip or what ?? - UNFORGETTABLE and so generous of Lara, Mike and Charly to take us there - they spoilt us rotten and we loved every minute of it!! Brenda and Maxine

Anonymous said...

Yes you both look like spoiled ladies!!!! What a great time you all had beautiful photo;s by the way always love to see the BLOG

tante Ria