17 January 2011

Karl & Erin

Hey People

Just a photo of my brother Karl and his lovely fiancee Erin ! Wedding soon in Perth, Australia ! Cant wait ! Charly is going to be a flower girl !

Lara, Mike & Charly xxxxooo


Anonymous said...

Dear Lara,
Thanks for sharing the picture of Karl and Erin great he? Is there a date? And Charly going to be a flowergirl that will be something for her she won;t forget.All other photo;s great to look at.Nice to read all is well.Our snow has gone for the time being we still have a few months left!!!!before we can call it springtime.xxxx tante Ria

Lara said...

Dear Aunty Ria
The date is the 14th of May but unfortunately only I will be able to fly over as we have only been granted two weeks leave from the school for Charly. It is such a stressful trip for two weeks for her what with jetlag and all the rest and also Mike has his University Thesis work which has to be delivered at that time so those two will be staying in Austria.
We have been having 3 days solid snowfall and you can't see the fence in the garden its that high !
Love me xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear lara,
It is the same here very strict with the school for extra time off.It seems a shame but that is the way it is.Even our crown prins and famly don;t get time to go skiing any more with two of the three kids being at school,so they had todo their skiing at the proper holiday time.xxxx

love to you all tante Ria