11 January 2012

Christmas Tree & Snow Photos

Hey People

A few photos of our Christmas tree this year. Charly and I decorated it to the sound of Jim Reeves and all the other Christmas crooners which was great !

As you may have herd from the news we have been having a serious amount of snow. So much that a lot of areas were cut off due to avalanche danger and the likes. Nothing serious has happened as they are really geared up for it here. Just a few photos of our place and the snow ! Mike had to clear the office roof as it may have become too heavy if we had gotten any more snow - it was at least 70 cm thick !!

Great huh ! Love me xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snow, snow - glorious snow - heaps of it - cool alright!! Christmas tree looks fantastic with some familiar decos - you were brought up with Jim Reeves on Christmas Day - we've still got the lp - luvO&O xxxx