12 June 2012

Tristkogel Challenge - 8-9 June 2012

Hey People

At the weekend I was asked to photograph the Tristkogel Challenge event here in Kitz along with a few other Photographers.

This would be something for you Karl !

A fantastic event which starts off in town on the Friday night with an orienteering course around the city.  The best ones get the good starting positions on the Saturday morning for the next phase.  On Saturday there is a mad scramble for the maps which have the various checkpoints marked on them and then they run back to their partners (2 in a team) and head off on the mountain bikes to complete the different stops. They even had a checkpoint in our pond so Charly and Mike were able to watch from the pond seating.

They biked all over the hills around the Bichlalm and then headed up the Kelchalm Valley (where we went sledging in winter that time Karl) to the Oberkaseralm at 1800m - a hard slog.  Once there they leave the bikes at the changeover zone and head off on foot to run around the mountain up to 2094m and complete the 13 further checkpoints that are up there.  Amazing to watch and seriously hard core.  Very steep and the day was foggy and cool but it only drizzled which I think was nice for the competitors !

I had a great time photographing and was mainly responsible for the sponsor banners but took some other shots as well.  My girlfriend and her partner won the mixed team event and were only a few minutes behind the leading mens team !

Check out the pics !

The mad run for the checkpoint maps !

Starts off OK and then ...

Ha ha ha ...

Then they check in after the orienteering phase ...

On Saturday morning they have to get their backpacks checked to make sure they have everything in them required by the race committee ...

My girlfriend Gitti and her race partner Daniel checking the map for the checkpoints ...

Up at Oberkaseralm - 1800m and foggy ...

Still some snow lying around up there ...

The winners of the mixed teams ...

The winners of the mens teams ...

Amazing race.

Love me xxx


Anonymous said...

Great to see - what a challenge !! Well done with your photography Lara M&D xx

Anonymous said...

When are you becoming a prof what a great photo's and I saw them all on a larger scale,it made me tired to look at them . !!!

xxx tante Ria

Lara said...

Thanks people xxx