16 May 2008

Around Home

Hello All

Hope all of you are well. We have been "keeping up with the Joneses" this week and getting our flower boxes sorted - oooh !! They actually look quite nice and suit the style of the house so hey. Here is Charly in her new t-shirt and hat from Heidi and Eddie in Florida - posing in front of the new balcony flowers ...

Some mucking around too ..

I finished painting the dragon heads as well at the weekend but as usual nobody thought to get a pic of me. Typical - that's why you don't see me much on the website. Here is one of them - they look better from further away though.

Got some pots in front of the house door as well ...

Also planted the zucchinis/corgettes into the great big outside world at the weekend so now its just a case of wait and see how they grow. The steawberries are growing like mad with lots of flowers. We have had 4 meals of asparagus as well. You can watch it grow it goes that fast.

That's all for now people. Thoughts - Lara, Mike & Charly xxxooo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flower boxes in Kitzbühel - beautiful - we remember them well - yours look great Lara - you must have got your green fingers from Dad with your vegie and plant pots etc - a nice welcome at your front door. Charly would have loved helping. Luv M&D