26 June 2012

Mid Summer Bonfire - 23 Jun 12

Hey People

After the Triathlon we went up the mountain and had our Mid Summer Bonfire with friends.  A great night with BBQ and a massive fire.

It was a seriously long day as we got up at 6.00am and went to bed at 12.15am - needless to say we slept long on Sunday and did absolutely nothing !  Didn't even cook .. treated ourselves to a restaurant lunch.

Mike's team won Bronze at the Mid Amateur Golf Championships - good huh !

Love me xxx


Anonymous said...

Crikey - that's some bonfire !! - reminds me of our old camping days - sitting around at night chatting etc - lovely ! O&O xxxx

Anonymous said...

WELL DONE with the golf Mike - got to keep up with Charly now and bring home a medal !!